18. Correct. The answer is true


(a) If the area to the right of t1 =0.05, then the area to its left is 0.95 and t1 represents the 95th percentile, which, according to the table of the t-distribution, is equal to 1.83.


(b) If the area to the left of -t1 and to the right of t1 =0.05, then the area to the right of t1 is 0.025 by symmetry. Thus the area to the left of t1 is 0.975 and t1 represents 97.5th percentile, or 2.26.


(c) If the area between -t1 and t1 is 0.99, then the area of the complement if 0.01 and the area to the right of t1 is 0.005. Thus t0.995 =3.25.


(d) If the area to the left of -t1 is 0.01, then by symmetry the area to the right of t1 is 0.01. Since t0.99=2.82, the value of t for which the area to the left is 0.01 is -2.82.


(e) If the area to the left of t1 is 0.90, then t0.90=1.38.