Work in Progress: Supplemental Material to Accompany

International Energy Markets

Understanding Pricing, Policies, and Profit, 2nd edition, 2015

Published by Pennwell Press

written by

Professor Emeritus Carol A. Dahl

Mineral and Energy Economics Program

Senior Fellow


Study Aids



Errata 2nd Edition



Self tests






Study Questions



Powerpoint Slides for Edition 1



Energy Glossary Links






Prerequisite Tools: For some material in the text, a basic understanding of algebra, calculus, probability and statistics, microeconomics, and macroeconomics is helpful. Here are some self tests to practice these tools:









Probability and Statistics









Supplementary Material by Chapter



The Journey Starts



Chapter 1. Introduction



Introduction to Markets, Modeling and Policy



Chapter 2. Energy Lessons from the Past and Modeling the Future



Chapter 3. Perfect Competition and the Coal Industry



Coal Supply Chain, Phillips



Coal and Coal Mining Technology



Chapter 4. Energy Taxes, Subsidies, and Social Welfare Market Structure



Chapter 5. Natural Monopoly and Electricity Generation



Video Monopoly Example



Peak load pricing



Distributing Fixed Cost over Customer Classes



Sliding Plan, Price Cap, And Regulation By Performance Policies



Crew 1-Aversch Johnson Affect



Ramsey Pricing



Electricity Technology Box



Chapter 6. Deregulation-Privatization Electricity Sector



Chapter 7. Monopoly, Dominant Firm and OPEC



Chapter 8. Transaction Costs and U.S. Natural Gas Markets



Gas Storage Technology



Chapter 9. Monopsony - Japan and the Asia Pacific LNG Market



More on Bargaining and Negotiating



Chapter 10. Game Theory in W. European Natural Gas Market



Table 10.1 by Country



Table 10.2 by Country



Energy and the Environment



Chapter 11. Externalities and Energy Pollution



Valuing non-market goods and applying benefit transfer to geothermal development in Indonesia, Sumaiku.  



Chapter 12. Public Goods and Global Climate Change



More on Global Climate Policy



Table 12.1 by Country



Compare Cost Compact Fluorescent and Incandescent



Chapter 13. Energy Accidents



Dynamic Models and Model Inputs and Constraints



Chapter 14. Allocating Fossil Fuel Production over Time and Oil Leasing



Chapter 15. Supply and Costs



Chapter 16. Modeling Energy Demand



Chapter 17. Refining, Transportation, and Linear Programming



Solving a Refinery Problem with Excel Solver



Managing Risk



Chapter 18. Energy Futures Markets for Managing Risk



Using Another Product to Hedge



Pricing a Futures on an Asset Paying Income



Optimal Hedge Ratio



Spark Spread



Chapter 19. Energy Options Markets for Managing Risk



Graphing Option Spreads in Excel



Development and Sustainability



Chapter 20. Climbing the Energy/Development Ladder to a Sustainable Energy Future



Chapter 21. Sustainable Wealth in Fossil Fuel Rich Developing Countries



The End of the Journey



Chapter 22. Managing in the Multicultural World of Energy






Experience with Electric Bicycle Motor Wilderness Energy BD36 and BL36.



Demand Survey Update Work in Progress



Energy data links



Report on Gasoline Prices



Dahl, Carol A. (2007) "What Goes Down Must Come Up: A Review of the Factors behind Increasing Gasoline Prices, 1999-2006." Prepared for the American Petroleum Institute. Washington, D.C.



OPEC Behavior Literature Review by Ayed Al Qahtani



Al Qahtani Model of World Oil Market



Appendices to accompany

Bai, Yang and Carol A. Dahl (forthcoming 2018) Evaluating the Management of U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve During Oil Disruptions. Energy Policy, Special Issue on Oil Supply Disruptions, U.S. Economic Activity and Oil Security.

Spacing Mining Materials


What Do We Need to Know to Mine Space

Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Dahl, Carol A., Chuxuan Sun, and Jingzhou Wang (2021) CCUS: Surveying Where We Have Been and Where We Are Going: Projects, Policies, Progress and Price. Presented at United States/International Association for Energy Economics, 38th North American Conference (virtual). Nov. 1-2.




Last modified August 19, 2024